Friday, September 16, 2011


Finished.  And with about 15 hours to spare.  lol.

This is my 'Free Block of the Month Club' quilt for this year.  The class is generally the first Saturday of the month at Quilts Etc.  If I have the block for the previous month finished by class day, I can get the new block materials and pattern for free.  The BIG exception to the rule is the last block each year.  In order to get the September block for free, I have to have assembled the previous year's block into some sort of quilt top by class day.  Fortunately, this year's September class has been pushed to September 17 due to other exciting activities at the quilt store. 

Since the first day of this quilt's class, I've wanted to use the class blocks to put together an island-themed quilt for Ben.  Not only is he serving in the South Pacific, but the Pineapple quilt block has always been his favorite.  I used a row of those around the class blocks to make the quilt big enough for a twin-sized bed.  His old quilt (with Pineapple blocks, natch) is just about worn out.  He insisted on taking it to college with him anyway, but it has definitely seen better days.  Hopefully, he'll be pleased when he comes home to find this one on his bed waiting for him. 

Now, I need a long nap. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Will Never Forget

After ten years, the memory of September 11th is still too fresh, too painful to talk much about.  I do want to thank all the responders for their heroic example.  And I also want to thank the military members and their families who have made such great sacrifices since to make us safer in our homes.

I will never forget.  I promise.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Or catsup.  Or ketchup.  Whatever you call it, my biggest canning project ever.

I began this morning with 24 pounds of ripe tomatoes.  Yes, I really weighed them as that was required by the recipe.  Add 3 pounds of onions, a big handful of spices, about a pint of vinegar, six hours of my time and Voila! 

I am the proud owner of seven pints of catsup.  Or ketchup.  Or whatever.

Have to admit, I'm not sure that this is going to be an every canning season project.  Probably only the years when I lose my mind and plant 12 tomato plants.  I am glad, however, that I've done it once.  Now I will be properly appreciative when friends tell me that they've made catsup. 

As to the way it tastes, I've so far been limited to licking the spoon after I finished filling the jars as the recipe made exactly seven pints.  It was pretty darn yummy.  The real test will be when I use it to top a meatloaf.  I have a dark, secret addiction to the caramelized loveliness that is catsup baked into meatloaf topping.  Mmmmm.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Up On The House Top

After a long wait and what seemed like endless discussion, we finally have a new roof! The 25-year-old 12-year-warranty shingles were failing badly in some places, but looked okay in others. 'Some' members of the family felt that we could wait a while longer. The 'obsessively worrying' members thought that we needed to get it fixed before there was drywall and structural damage.

This was taken during tear off...

We looked into several roofing companies.  After checking licensing, references and getting bids, we chose Jess Wilkerson's company, Advantage Roofing.  They have been awesome to work with in every way.  It's difficult to see in the above picture, but the crew took every precaution to avoid damaging my flower beds, just one of their great customer services.

The first day, the crew stripped the old shingles off and added ice dam protection and drip edges, something we'd never had before.  They left for the day in mid-afternoon.  Soon after, the rooftop delivery company brought the shingle and other parts and parked them on the ridges (there are some on the upper roof, too.)

The crew was back the next morning to add the shingles.  They also added new flanges to the vents and new attic vents on the back the house.  This should help with the energy bills particularly in the summer.  They were fast!  The whole roof was finished by lunchtime.

The finished roof!  The shingles are very nearly the same color as before, but the new 'architectural' style looks quite a bit different.  They also have a higher R value and a longer warranty which sounds really good to me.

I'm so happy to have this done!  It sounds a bit silly to get so excited over shingles, but I've been worried for quite a while about water damage (yes, I'm the obsessively worried sort).  Isn't it lovely?!?

Monday, September 5, 2011

In The Garden - September 5

So many things going on in the garden at the moment, but most of them are continuations of what I've posted before.  Those tomatoes are starting to scare me!   Anyway, a couple of new things to celebrate...

Although this bears more than a passing resemblance to 'Cousin It', it is actually 'Clematis paniculata' or Sweet Autumn Clematis.  And sweet it is!  The fragrance is light, but very lovely.  I can't imagine how wonderful it's going to be with the whole pergola covered with it and blooming.  One of these days.  Here's a close up of the flowers...

Tiny and yet magnificent in their multitude. 

And here's some close-ups of my future.  I'll be bottling 'Niagara' grape juice by the end of the week.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Girl On The Block

Meet Hibiscus moscheutos 'Pink'.  She's about eight inches across and covered with lovely ruffles.  *sighs*  I've wanted a pink hibiscus for years.  I have red and white and white with pink trim, but this is the first time I've had a pink one.  What a great way to start the day!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

In A Pickle

Made a batch of my absolute favorite pickles.  The recipe is 'Tri-Colored Pickles', but this year, they're just 'Green Pickles'.  I normally use red and yellow peppers in the mix, but due to near crop failure of my own peppers this year, I had to supplement at the farmer's market.  The best looking peppers were big, blocky green ones this week.  I'm hoping that they'll still be delish!