Sunday, February 12, 2012

Going, Going, Gone!

The wallpaper is gone from the living room and stairs.  Mike took a couple of days off to help.  Between the two of us we put in about 40 hours last week and now it's finished!  Woo Hoo!  No pictures yet as there's really nothing to see, just barf-colored primer on the walls that now need some patching.  I think we'll need to actually re-skim coat some spots, so repriming will probably be required.  I was planning about a month for the painting process, so fortunately, we still have enough time (goal is to finish before Ben returns) even with an extra step.

my new best friend

These little tools really saved the day.  They have dozens of tiny teeth on the mechanism on the bottom.  After rubbing the wallpaper all over in little circles, the teeth leave dozens of tiny holes.  The wallpaper remover solution soaks right in and voila! the paper can come down.  I say 'can come down' as even with all the right tools and lots of elbow grease, several areas were just about impossible to get off the wall.  Old age and orneriness won out over  vinyl and paper however.  lol.

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