Thursday, August 9, 2012

In The Garden - August 9

Everything is changing quickly in the garden now!  I can see changes from the time I check the beds in the morning until I check in the evening.  I don't even want to talk about how fast the zucchinis are growing!

The apple crop is huge this year, which may not be a good thing.  Not only do we have more apples than we need, but we may have more apples than the little tree can sustain without damage.  However, I'm not the gardener in charge of thinning them, so I guess we'll just see how this all ends up.

On our larger peach tree, the peaches are beginning to blush a bit.  The peaches are still a bit small, but seem to get larger every time I water the tree.  Ben is looking forward to a fresh batch of 'sploosh' this year.  Looks like we'll have plenty for that as well as pie!

This hibiscus is such a show off.  Never content to unfurl one bloom at a time, it opens a whole party of the lovely fancy-dress blooms at a time.

Each bloom is about 10 inches in diameter and such a beautiful pink.  I'm so glad that I found this variety!

The Rudbekia 'Goldsturm' is especially floriferous.  And so bright in color!  I'd like to have some more clumps of this in the yard, but I'm not sure if all 'Goldsturm' is this amazing.  I may just need to wait until these are ready to divide rather than risk being disappointed.

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