Wednesday, March 6, 2013

In The Garden - March 6

The snow is nearly gone from the outdoor garden, but it'll be a few weeks before it'll be dry enough to begin to plant out there.  The indoor garden is thriving though!

Genovese basil with its seed leaves.  Will be a couple of weeks before I can transplant to individual pots.  Last year's basil was so delicious that I couldn't resist trying it again.

Our "main" crop...tomatoes. The big thuggish-looking plants are the heirloom variety "Pruden's Purple". Looking forward to some purple salsa. lol.

Pinetree Seeds lettuce mix, almost ready to be potted out into individual pots. Man, I love this stuff!

Mini-strawberries to go into the strawberry pot that I have yet to purchase. Those plants are tiny! Really tiny. Made me realize, though, that I've pulled tons of seedling strawberries out of the strawberry bed over the years. Thought that they were columbine. lol.

Biggest surprise of the gardening year so far...nicotiana. Last year, I purchased seed for Nicotiana sylvestris 'Only The Lonely' from Pinetree. They were huge plants by the end of the season, but they were really, really tiny seedlings. By the time I set them out into the flower beds in June, they were only an inch tall. I harvested seed from those plants, dried it and now have planted two pinches of seed into this pot. Not only did I appear to get 110% germination (totally not possible), the plants are much larger and more vigorous this year. As far as I know, this variety is not a hybrid, so theoretically at least, they should be exactly the same plant. I guess I could be in for a big surprise later in the year!

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