Thursday, November 17, 2011

2011 Garden Review

Earlier this week, I received this in the mail...

*happy dance* Pinetree is my all-time favorite seed company. I've ordered from them every year for about 15 years...always with great results. Reasonably priced, quick to deliver, great customer service, what's not to like?!? I'll be spending the next couple of weeks planning next year's garden and putting an order together for the seeds. Which reminds me...

I haven't posted my 2011 garden plan.

Some of this worked really well:
     pumpkins produced best crop ever
     tomatoes nearly overwhelmed me
     plenty of beans for pickling

Some things didn't work so well at all:
     most of the peppers' production was lackluster
     second crops of beets and peas were disappointing
     not enough tomatillos, onions or carrots

So, in addition to drooling over my seed catalog, I need to come up with a plan to increase production of all our favorite vegs.  One big change that we've already put in place is to remove the row of butterfly bushes along the fence and put that bed into veg production this year (thanks for providing the hard labor to make that happen, Mike!)  Not only do we love our fresh fruits and veg during the growing season, we've been so pleased with the quality of the home canned produce that we want to add to our stash.  2012, here we come!

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