Sunday, January 1, 2012


Yep.  It's really here -  the year that even the great Mayan scholars didn't know what to do with.  This is going to be a good year for me.  At least, I'm going to work very hard to make it so.  I've set a few goals to help me. 

Spiritual Goal - 

 I've been reading the Book of Mormon, trying to get it finished in 100 days.  I really enjoyed my hundred day read when both Josh and Sam were out on their missions, thought I'd do it again to celebrate Ben's mission.  In addition, I am going to keep up with the Sunday School class lessons even though I can't usually attend

Physical Goal - 

Last year, I set a goal to lose 25 pounds and then maintain for the rest of the year.  Worked great!  I'm going to do that again this year.  I plan to stick to my food plan prescribed by the dietician and diabetes educator.  I also plan to exercise at least 30 minutes five days per week.  This will be the really hard part as my arthritis rarely cooperates when it comes to exercise.

Intellectual Goal - 

Read, read, read.  I plan to read as often and as much as I can.  I've gotten a bit away from reading for fun and it's time to get back to it.  I plan to finish at least one book a month, hopefully many, many more.

Creative Goal - 

I've collected fabric for several quilts.  I'd like to get a bunch of them finished this year.  In addition to my "Free Block Class" quilt, I want to finish three more Christmas quilts and three other quilts.

I'm hoping to hold myself accountable for these goals here in my blog.  Haven't decide exactly how, but you'll be hearing more about my 2012 goals for sure! 

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